role of corporate reputation in corporate social responsibility relations to firm performance in jambi province

Agus Solikhin, Tona Aurora Lubis, Ade Perdana Siregar


The purpose of this study is to examine the role of corporate reputation in the relationship of Corporate Social Responsibility to firm performance. This research is basic research, to fill the research gap in the study of Corporate Social Responsibility and firm Performance. Corporate Social Responsibility is a corporate commitment to carry out its social responsibilities towards stakeholders. In fact, many companies have not been maximal in carrying out Corporate Social Responsibility programs, so the results have no impact on firm performance. This raises the question of what companies should consider so that the Corporate Social Responsibility program implemented so far can have an influence on improving firm performance. This research was conducted in four cities or regencies in Jambi Province in 2019, Jambi city, BatangHari regency, TanjungJabung Barat Regency and TanjungJabungTimur Regency. The number of respondents used was 55 firms representing companies in the Jambi Province. This study uses path analysis with the help of the SmartPLS version 3.0 program which is used to test hypotheses.The results of this study are that Corporate Social Responsibility has a significant positive effect on firm performance, Corporate Social Responsibility also has a significant positive effect on corporate reputation, corporate reputation has a significant positive effect on firm performance and ultimately corporate reputation is able to mediate in the relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility on firm performance.


Corporate social responsibility; corporate reputation; firm performance

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