The price analysis of oil palm fresh fruit bunches in pt. gawi makmur kalimantan banjarmasin

Dahniar Dahniar, Rusniati Rusniati


This study aimed to analyze the price of oil palm Fresh Fruit Bunches at PT. Gawi Makmur Kalimantan Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan, specifically to develop cost component information designs and their impacts on Government policies in the oil palm sector. The difference in calculation of cost components between the cost of production of farmers from Permentan Number 14 / Permentan / OT.140 / 2/2013. The effort that must be done in responding to differences in the determination of the cost of production of Fresh Fruit Bunches based on government regulations, oil palm growers and the company, if there is no win-win solution. The research method used consists of (1) Field research, (2) Library research. Research data were qualitative and quantitative. The data analysis technique was in accordance with the determination of the price of FFB through Permentan Number 14 / Permentan / OT.140 / 2/2013, as for the formula used for the calculation of HTBS = K (HCPO x RCPO + HIS xRIS). The sampling technique used judgment / purposive sampling. The object of research was at PT. Gawi Makmur Kalimantan Banjarmasin in South Kalimantan. The results of the study to calculate the cost components included in the cost of FFB production include: plant maintenance costs, indirect costs, unit depreciation costs. The difference in the calculation of the cost components of farmers only compares the total cost of production with the price of production, while the Government calculation is based on Permentan No.14 / Permentan / OT.14 / 2/2013. Efforts that must be made in the difference in FFB pricing if there is no win-win solution are: there is a guarantee of transparency from the sales, both export and local, between farmers and oil palm entrepreneurs. For documents of volume, prices and costs should always be valid, so the data are not presented unilaterally but are known by all parties.


Fresh fruit bunches (ffb); price of production; production cost; oil palm; south kalimantan

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