Determinants of Profitability in Companies Listed on IDX80

Asrid Juniar, Lisa Andriani, Rini Rahmawati, Ashari Sofyaun


The aim of this research is to conduct an analysis of the factors that determine profitability in companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, especially those included in the IDX80 index in the 2021 period. The research is a type of quantitative research with a causal method that tests the relationship between research variables. The number of companies in the research sample was 38 companies. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show that cash holding has a significant effect on the profitability of public companies included in the IDX80, while cash conversion cycle and firm size have no significant effect on profitability. A company that has optimal cash holdings shows that the company is able to maintain company liquidity, can finance operational activities and invest. So cash holdings can be used to increase company profitability.


Cash holding; cash conversion cycle; firm size; profitability

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INOVASI: Jurnal ekonomi, keuangan dan manajemen
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