ffect of ambient, design, sales promotion, and positive emotion on impulsive buying behavior and regret

Yulianti Prihatiningrum, Hastin Umi Anisah, Meiske Claudia


This paper investigates how store environment variables (ambient, design, sales promotion) and positive emotion drive impulsive buying behavior and thus regret of consumer’s local gift stores in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Design/methodology/approach – A structured questionnaire is used to collect data from 90 respondents in a store of local gift surveys conducted in Banjarmasin, Indonesia. Research limitations/implications –In the structural model tested with PLS (Partial Least Square), the authors found that store environment drove impulse buying through positive emotion. The result shows that positive emotion did not influence impulse buying behavior. This paper also did not find support for the relationship between impulsive buying and regret. Practical implications – The authors suggest that shopkeepers of local gift store must improve the store environment to increase level of impulse buying. Specifically, they need to focus on enhancing of ambient factors, design, sales promotion to encourage impulse buying. Originality/value –This study tested the impact of the antecedents and consequences of impulsive buying.


Impulsive buying; regret; positive emotion; store environment

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30872/miceb.v2i1.7067


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