
This research aims to know the level of health of the Cooperative Development Employees PT PLN in Samarinda, along with its development in 2014-2015 seen from 4 (four) aspects namely those: organization, governance and management, produktivity, as well as the benefits and impacts. This was an evaluative descriptive research, in which the object evaluated the Cooperative Development Employee PT PLN in Samarinda. The data analysis technique used the Regulations of the State Minister of  Cooperative and Small- and Medium-Scale Enterprises No:06/Per/M.Kukm/V/2006. The results of the research showed that health level of the Cooperative Development Employee PT PLN in 2014-2015 was in the moderately healthy enough category with a mean score of 67,13 with the details as follows. (1) The organization aspect attained a mean score of 20,75; (2) The governance and management aspect attained a mean score of 17,63; (3) The produktivity aspect attained a mean score of 17,25; (4) The benefits and impacts aspect attained a mean score of 11,50. The level of health of the Cooperative Development Employees PT PLN in 2014 given a score of 68,25  and in 2015 obtained a score of 66,00. So that the development of Cooperative Development Employee PT PLN level in 2014-2015 fell of 2,25% with a mean score obtained at 67,13 and included in category are healthy enough.

Keywords:    health level, cooperative, organization aspect, governance and management aspect, productivity aspect, benefits and impacts aspect



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